Time, Treasure, Talent (Revision 14)

You are viewing an old revision of this post, from January 25, 2015 @ 20:20:00. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

See the life manual for more context. Our time, treasure, and talent should be about giving life i.e. creating memories and building relationships with God and others.

Resources to create memories and building relationships with God and others:

  • PIETY:
    • Building relationship with Jesus through Mary – Prayer
      • Favorite Saints:
        • Mother Mary (consecration)
        • St Joseph (prayers, meditation)
        • St Anne (prayers, meditation)
        • Padre Pio (quotes)
        • St Francis (bio)
        • St Dominic (principles)
        • St Peter
        • St Thomas Aquinas (prayers)
        • St Michael (prayers, spiritual warfare)
        • St Maxmillian Kolbe (marian consecration)
        • My Guardian Angel (meditation)
        • Tobit (meditation on prayer)
        • St. Alphonsus de Liguori
        • Blessed Teresa of Calcutta aka MotherTeresa (writings, quotes, prayers)
        • Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
        • St Josemaria Escriva
    • My Meditations
  • STUDY:
    • Books: As I have given you an inheritance, the wise and the saints have given us an inheritance through books; it is important to learn how to learn, learn how to read – learn how to learn how to read:
    • Websites:
      • the art of manliness
      • traditionalsermons.com
      • catholic.com
      • madeinhisimage.org
      • abortionpillreversal.com
    • Notes:
      • Mystery, Action, Legacy
      • Favorite Quotes
    • Organizing your live:
      • David Allen – Getting Things Done
      • Dave Ramsey
      • Peter Kreeft
      • Dennis Prager
      • Fr John Hardon, S.J.
    • Some good options to connecting with people and putting your faith in action:
      • Cursillo
      • Miles Christi
      • Dominican 3rd Order

Post Revisions:


January 25, 2015 @ 20:20:00Current Revision
Deleted: Time, Treasure, Talent Added: Time, Treasure, Talent (Revision 14)
Unchanged: See the <a title="Present of Presence – A Life Manual" href="http:// unlastwords.com/">life manual</a> for more context. Our time, treasure, and talent should be about giving life i.e. creating memories and building relationships with God and others.Unchanged: See the <a title="Present of Presence – A Life Manual" href="http:// unlastwords.com/">life manual</a> for more context. Our time, treasure, and talent should be about giving life i.e. creating memories and building relationships with God and others.
Deleted: Resources to create memories and building relationships with God and others: Added: Resources to create memories and building relationships with God and others (This is woefully scarce; I have many more resources yet to organize here; come back later for more):
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Unchanged: <li>PIETY:Unchanged: <li>PIETY:
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Deleted: <li>Building relationship with Jesus through Mary - Prayer Added: <li>Building relationship with <a title="God is love, but Love is not God" href="http:// unlastwords.com/2015/01/18/ god-love-love- not-god/">Jesus</a> through Mary - Prayer
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Unchanged: <li>Favorite Saints:Unchanged: <li>Favorite Saints:
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Unchanged: <li>Mother Mary (<a href="http:// totalconsecration.ageofmary.com" >consecration</a>)</li>Unchanged: <li>Mother Mary (<a href="http:// totalconsecration.ageofmary.com" >consecration</a>)</li>
Unchanged: <li>St Joseph (prayers, meditation)</li>Unchanged: <li>St Joseph (prayers, meditation)</li>
Unchanged: <li>St Anne (prayers, meditation)</li>Unchanged: <li>St Anne (prayers, meditation)</li>
Unchanged: <li>Padre Pio (quotes)</li>Unchanged: <li>Padre Pio (quotes)</li>
Unchanged: <li>St Francis (bio)</li>Unchanged: <li>St Francis (bio)</li>
Unchanged: <li>St Dominic (principles)</li>Unchanged: <li>St Dominic (principles)</li>
Unchanged: <li>St Peter</li>Unchanged: <li>St Peter</li>
Unchanged: <li>St Thomas Aquinas (prayers)</li>Unchanged: <li>St Thomas Aquinas (prayers)</li>
Unchanged: <li>St Michael (prayers, spiritual warfare)</li>Unchanged: <li>St Michael (prayers, spiritual warfare)</li>
Unchanged: <li>St Maxmillian Kolbe (marian consecration)</li>Unchanged: <li>St Maxmillian Kolbe (marian consecration)</li>
Unchanged: <li>My Guardian Angel (meditation)</li>Unchanged: <li>My Guardian Angel (meditation)</li>
Unchanged: <li>Tobit (meditation on prayer)</li>Unchanged: <li>Tobit (meditation on prayer)</li>
Unchanged: <li>St. Alphonsus de Liguori</li>Unchanged: <li>St. Alphonsus de Liguori</li>
Unchanged: <li>Blessed Teresa of Calcutta aka MotherTeresa (writings, quotes, prayers)</li>Unchanged: <li>Blessed Teresa of Calcutta aka MotherTeresa (writings, quotes, prayers)</li>
Unchanged: <li><a href="http:// brandonvogt.com/ pier-giorgio/">Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati</a></li>Unchanged: <li><a href="http:// brandonvogt.com/ pier-giorgio/">Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati</a></li>
Unchanged: <li>St Josemaria Escriva</li>Unchanged: <li>St Josemaria Escriva</li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Unchanged: </li>Unchanged: </li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Unchanged: </li>Unchanged: </li>
Unchanged: <li>My MeditationsUnchanged: <li>My Meditations
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Unchanged: <li><a href="http:// unlastwords.com/ tag/meditations/ ">meditations</a></li>Unchanged: <li><a href="http:// unlastwords.com/ tag/meditations/ ">meditations</a></li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Unchanged: </li>Unchanged: </li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Unchanged: </li>Unchanged: </li>
Unchanged: <li>STUDY:Unchanged: <li>STUDY:
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Unchanged: <li>Books: As I have given you an inheritance, the wise and the saints have given us an inheritance through books; it is important to learn how to learn, learn how to read – <a href="http:// www.catholicculture.org/culture/ library/view.cfm?recnum=7367">learn how to learn how to read</a>:Unchanged: <li>Books: As I have given you an inheritance, the wise and the saints have given us an inheritance through books; it is important to learn how to learn, learn how to read – <a href="http:// www.catholicculture.org/culture/ library/view.cfm?recnum=7367">learn how to learn how to read</a>:
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Unchanged: <li><a href="http:// www.amazon.com/gp/product/ 0895559048/ref= as_li_tl?ie= UTF8&amp;camp= 1789&amp;creative= 9325&amp;creativeASIN= 0895559048&amp; linkCode=as2&amp; tag=unlastwords- 20&amp;linkId= J3GTERSUWGHCDCSE">Three Marks of Manhood</a></li>Unchanged: <li><a href="http:// www.amazon.com/gp/product/ 0895559048/ref= as_li_tl?ie= UTF8&amp;camp= 1789&amp;creative= 9325&amp;creativeASIN= 0895559048&amp; linkCode=as2&amp; tag=unlastwords- 20&amp;linkId= J3GTERSUWGHCDCSE">Three Marks of Manhood</a></li>
Unchanged: <li>Theology of the Body</li>Unchanged: <li>Theology of the Body</li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Unchanged: </li>Unchanged: </li>
Unchanged: <li>Websites:Unchanged: <li>Websites:
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Deleted: <li>the art of manliness</li> 
Deleted: <li>traditionalsermons.com</li> 
Deleted: <li>catholic.com</li> 
Deleted: <li>madeinhisimage.org</li> 
 Added: <li><a href="http:// www.artofmanliness.com/">the art of manliness</a></li>
 Added: <li><a href="http:// www.traditionalsermons.com/ ">traditionalsermons.com</a></li>
Deleted: <li>abortionpillreversal.com</li>Added: <li><a href="http:// www.catholic.com" >catholic.com</a></li>
 Added: <li><a href="http:// madeinhisimage.org/ ">madeinhisimage.org</a></li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Unchanged: </li>Unchanged: </li>
Unchanged: <li>Notes:Unchanged: <li>Notes:
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
 Added: <li><a title="Mystery, Action, Legacy" href="http:// unlastwords.com/2011/11/04/ mystery-action- legacy/">Mystery, Action, Legacy</a></li>
Deleted: <li>Mystery, Action, Legacy</li>Added: <li><a href="http:// unlastwords.com/tag/quotes/ ">Quotes</a></li>
Deleted: <li>Favorite Quotes</li> 
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Unchanged: </li>Unchanged: </li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Unchanged: </li>Unchanged: </li>
Unchanged: <li>ACTION:Unchanged: <li>ACTION:
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Deleted: <li>Organizing your live: Added: <li>Organizing your life:
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Deleted: <li>David Allen – Getting Things Done</li>Added: <li><a href="http:// www.amazon.com/gp/product/ B004TK9BHA/ref= as_li_tl?ie= UTF8&amp;camp= 1789&amp;creative= 9325&amp;creativeASIN= B004TK9BHA&amp; linkCode=as2&amp; tag=unlastwords- 20&amp;linkId= PWH7GPJJVJGBOWKS">David Allen - Getting Things Done</a></li>
Unchanged: <li>Dave Ramsey</li>Unchanged: <li>Dave Ramsey</li>
Unchanged: <li>Peter Kreeft</li>Unchanged: <li>Peter Kreeft</li>
Unchanged: <li>Dennis Prager</li>Unchanged: <li>Dennis Prager</li>
Deleted: <li>Fr John Hardon, S.J.</li> Added: <li><a href="http:// www.therealpresence.org/archives/ archives.htm">Fr John Hardon, S.J.</a></li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Unchanged: </li>Unchanged: </li>
Unchanged: <li>Some good options to connecting with people and putting your faith in action:Unchanged: <li>Some good options to connecting with people and putting your faith in action:
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Unchanged: <li>Cursillo</li>Unchanged: <li>Cursillo</li>
Unchanged: <li>Miles Christi</li>Unchanged: <li>Miles Christi</li>
Unchanged: <li>Dominican 3rd Order</li>Unchanged: <li>Dominican 3rd Order</li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: <li><strong>Addressing modern day challenges - <a href="http:// unlastwords.com/ #contemporary- problems-and- solutions">solutions for the world's problems</a></strong>:
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li><strong>Spiritual Challenges</strong>:
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li>Addressing challenges to the Catholic Church (need huge expansion here):
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li>get informed - catholic.com</li>
 Added: <li>prayer
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li>the rosary</li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: <li><strong>Intellectual Challenges</strong>:
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li>Addressing information overload:
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li><a href="http:// gettingthingsdone.com/">getting things done</a></li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: <li>Addressing education failure
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li>Homeschooling</li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: <li><strong>Physical Challenges</strong>:
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li>Addressing challenges to self-sufficiency
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li>Firearms for protection
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li><a href="http:// www.youngcons.com/begging- watch-bill-whittle-destroy- myth-gun-control/">Facts to dispel arguments against "Gun Control"</a></li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: <li>Addressing energy and resource problems
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li><a href="https:/ /www.youtube.com/watch?v= GQ9Ll5EX1jc&amp; feature=related" >Thorium</a></li>
 Added: <li>off-grid solar <em>instead of</em> grid-tie</li>
 Added: <li>Aquaponics</li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: <li>Addressing Healthcare deficiencies:
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li><a href="http:// blackfriarsmedia.org/2014/ 04/30/napro-press- kit/">NaPro: A Quiet Revolution</a></li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: <li><strong>Social Challenges</strong>:
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li>Addressing loss of Christian identity in Europe and the West
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li>Rebuild the culture of life, understand church history</li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: <li>Addressing Communism/Marxism:
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li>Capitalism is not perfect but it is the best we've got; promote moral reform; any government without ethics will degenerate [not unlike Communism], especially democracies</li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: <li>Addressing big government:
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li>Vote!</li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: <li><strong>Family Challenges</strong>:
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li>Addressing Family Challenges:
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li><a href="http:// www.focusonthefamily.com/">Fight the destruction of the family</a></li>
 Added: <li>Abortion/ Contraception:
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li><a href="https:/ /www.youtube.com/watch?v= rqLyyIsKyCU">Maafa 21</a></li>
 Added: <li>Health risks of birth control:
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li><a href="http:// time.com/3677129/ birth-control- risks-may-include- brain-cancer/">Birth Control Pill Risks May Now Include Brain Cancer</a></li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: <li><a href="http:// www.abortionpillreversal.com/ ">abortionpillreversal.com</a></li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: <li>Same-sex mariage:
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li><a href="http:// www.eagleforum.org/topics/ marriage/pdf/ 77reasonsREAD- ONLY.pdf">77 non-religious reasons to support man/woman marriage</a> (<a href="http:// www.ruthinstitute.org/">Ruth institute</a>)</li>
 Added: <li><a href="http:// www.washingtontimes.com/news/ 2015/jan/8/gay- couples-children- oppose-same-sex- marriage-tell/">Gay couples’ children oppose same-sex marriage, tell of unpleasant upbringings</a></li>
 Added: <li><a href="http:// www.redflagnews.com/headlines/ identical-twin- studies-prove- homosexuality- is-not-genetic">Eight Major Identical Twin Studies Prove Homosexuality Is Not Genetic</a></li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: <li>Divorce</li>
 Added: <li>Pornography
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li><a href="http:// www.theporneffect.com/">The Porn Effect</a></li>
 Added: <li><a href="http:// tedxtalks.ted.com/video/Why- I-Stopped-Watching- Porn-Ran">Why I Stopped Watching Porn: Ran Gavrieli at TEDxJaffa 2013</a> - common sense reasons</li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: <li><strong>Challenges to Careers and Jobs</strong>:
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li>Addressing today's challenges with employment
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li>Adaptation
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li><a href="http:// www.48days.com/">48 days</a></li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: <li><strong>Economic Challenges</strong>:
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li>Addressing problems with fiat currency
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li>become more self-reliant</li>
 Added: <li>be invested in things that matter</li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: </li>
 Added: <li>Inspirational or interesting:
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li><a href="http:// www.ted.com/talks/ruth_chang_ how_to_make_hard_ choices">How to make hard choices</a></li>
 Added: <li><a href="https:/ /www.youtube.com/watch?v= mo-kvh1w60w">One Stitch Closer: Veronika empowers other women</a></li>
 Added: <li><a href="http:// viral.buzz/video-muslims- moon-their-own-holy-site- and-they-want-this-video- gone/">Muslims Moon Their Own Holy Site – and they want this video gone!</a></li>
 Added: <li><a href="https:/ /www.youtube.com/watch?v= FN3VFgG922A">Meet the enormous boats that carry your stuff</a></li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Unchanged: </li>Unchanged: </li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Unchanged: </li>Unchanged: </li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
 Added: <iframe style="overflow: hidden;" src="http://www.mindmeister.com/ maps/public_map_ shell/500052386/ time-treasure- talent?width= 600&amp;height=400&amp;z= auto&amp;live_ update=1&amp; no_logo=1&amp; presentation=1" width="600" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no">Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit the <a rel="nofollow" href="http:// www.mindmeister.com/500052386/ time-treasure-talent" target="_blank">mind map: Time, Treasure, Talent</a> on <a rel="nofollow" href="http:// www.mindmeister.com" target="_blank">Mind Mapping - MindMeister</ a>.</iframe>

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.

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